Traditional production method: A piece of metal is cut into an elongated triangle, folded over a steel mandrill and braised along the seam. Disadvantages of this method of production are an inherent weakness of the seam leading to a possible leak. Further problems arise later as the base metal hardens with age the seam can split. Once a split occurs, even a very small one, the crook is most likely un-repairable. A picture of a traditional seamed crook can be seen on my website.
The seam is exposed with wear and could be on the point of failure. Further, it would be impossible, to vary the wall thickness along a tapered tube. Therefore the design is a compromise and cannot give both dampening and vibration in one thickness along the crook. The Nissen method is completely new and revolutionary. The tube is machine-shaped from high quality drawn brass and worked using a special process in which the conical tube is made thicker at the start (reed end) and thinner at the other instrument end (wing joint).
The advantages with this system. No seam, resulting in a stronger tube. Wall thickness can be calculated to result in specific positive acoustical characteristics.
Because of an efficient production method, a professional standard of the highest quality is produced at an very competitive price. The first 10cms or so of the crook has a significant effect on both tone and intonation. If the wall dimensions at this point are too thin then the vibrations and overtones can upset the intonation making the traditionally'difficult' notes on the bassoon even more unstable.
Therefore, the wall thickness of the first 10cms should'calm down' these vibrations by being a. After the first section of the crook, the wall thickness can afford to be thinner, thereby releasing the vibrations and overtones to'add' to the tone characteristics.The Nissen crook therefore has a gradual decrease in wall thickness from reed end to instrument end. Nissen crooks are heavy nickel silver plate in two lengths - No. 1 and are designed to play at correct pitch of A440 or A442 and even response throughout the range. In particular, tone, intonation and flexibility are of the highest professional standards.
For full details and special discount go to my website below. Customer sales to USA, UK, Norway, Hungary, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Czech Republic and many more throughout the world with very positive response from all.
IT'S NOT GOING BACK! Great product and nice to deal with you (USA). Particularly impressed with the ease of dynamic range (USA). I have had one of your bassoon crooks for a few months now and was immediately rather taken with it.
I was particularly surprised with how open it makes the instrument feel when playing the traditional troublesome ranges. Particularly improved on my instrument are the F# and G just above the break. Top register tuning and response has been improved too - and the bottom octave just seems more vibrant, not that that was a weak area on my bassoon in the first place.
It has all the virtues of my previous crook (the Wolf) but somehow takes everything to the next level. Loving the tone which is an even resonance but with an overall warmth and decent heft. One other amazing thing is the ease with which one can pop out the extreme high notes!!! Can almost multiple tongue high E and upwards not often needed with what I do but still amazing! - yet it blows free and expressively, not "just a high note crook" by any means, quite a feat.
Playing Scheherazade solos which I have coming up seems so effortless, a lovely resonance, legato and response (Australia). The whole deal was excellent; the product also; attentive service. I have just played the'Rite' on your crook - it went a dream! I received the bocal you made especially for me, and here are my first impressions. It passed (with flying colors) my one major pass-fail test of a bocal; it played the tenor'f' in tune; most other bocals are quite flat on that note. It feels like the bocal works the way it's supposed to (rather than it having a particular, idiosyncratic'quality').The pitch is really good. I asked for the pitch of a Heckel #0, and that's what I got.
The bocal has very clear articulation in all registers, and there is more clarity in each note when playing fast passages. When I played left-hand-only fingerings and ran my right-hand fingers over the bocal, the vibration felt evenly distributed throughout the bocal.My Heckel bocal, on the other hand, seemed to be inconsistent in this regard. Some of my warmups are composed of juxtaposing'long' and'short' fingerings for the same notes. I found your bocal to have more consistent pitch between the long and short fingerings, compared to my Heckel bocal. I have an orchestral rehearsal this evening. I'll be playing on it.
As expected, there will be a bit of tweaking of reeds, over time to accommodate the new bocal. I'm excited about letting some of my colleagues try it. Concert by Albert Reig playing a Nissen Bassoon Crook.For over 60 years suggests the search for a good instrument, a good reed, and finally a good crook. This last journey, like a violinist in search of the perfect bow, is the most demanding.
My own search of over ten years has ended (perhaps serendipitously) with David Nissen. His crook alone has stabilized the E and G around the break, as well as the G an octave above and low D. Moreover, intonation for all the notes across the scale are dead on - especially the infamous low D. Finally, the lowest octave is fuller, more resonant and focused on my Fox 240 - Lutz Keller, USA. See my website for further information.